Questions & Answers
What time does the event start?
The race will start at 10AM
Where do I get my registration pack?
Your registration pack will be collected at the race. Please arrive in sufficient time to do this, (we recommend arrival before 9AM).
When will I receive more details about the race?
The race information will be emailed to you one week before the event date.
Where is the nearest train station to the event?
Welwyn Garden City Station is approximately 2 miles from the race start.
Can I park at the venue?
Yes you can park on grass for free at the venue.
Will I get a medal?
Yes! A custom themed medal will be given at the finish line..
Will I get a time for my 10K run?
Yes the event will be accurately chip timed.
What does ‘chip timed’ mean?
A magnetic strip, (the chip), will be given to you, to attach to your shoe before the start of the run. Readers inside the start/finish mats report the time of day you crossed. Subtracting your finish time from your start time gives the timers your net time.
Who will be timing the event?
Event Chip Timing. To find out more about them, visit their website. Is your question still not answered? Then contact us at events@activetrainingworld.co.uk